You pick up the lead like the blade of a knife
Gently and tenderly. Quiet with wish to surprise
But he hears. An ear pricks. His eyes flash to life
He barks; jumps and twirls. Joy impossible to disguise

Off we go. Adventure awaits; a walk has begun
His tail wildly wagging. He’s pulling. He’s alive
He knows for us both a walk is such fun
Exercise, fresh air; man and best friend thrive

Watching him run, wag and gambol. Sniff other dogs too
Chase his stick or his stone; about turn and run back
Instinctively he knows of a job he must do
Which is rounding up you; the leader of his pack

One day you go walking; no dog he’s at home
You trudge and you tramp; this isn’t much fun
You notice each step. Grumble how far you’ve come
Turn around and go back. This dull walk is done

A dog makes you stride and the run works the dog
The two are inseparable. Go together; a pair
For without my best mate a walk’s just a slog
A walk makes me baulk when my dogs not there

©pofacedpoetry (Billy Reynard-Bowness 2018 – All rights reserved)